Kamen Rider OOO x Kamen Rider Fourze: Movie Wars Megamax Blu-Ray (with Over-Time)

typesetting is fun guys really

Torrent | Clean Script | Typeset Script

oh god that’s a long title

So like I’ve been saying ever since the DVD came out, I wanted to wait until the Blu-Ray came out for Megamax and do a joint release on it with Over-Time. There are many reasons for this, most of them involving it being kind of stupid to be distroing two giant-ass Blu-Ray encodes of the same movie using the same raw for no reason, but also that it’s better to do the typesetting on a non-anamorphic raw, and the actual scripts are like 90% similar anyway, and bla bla.

So tl;dr, I’m part of Over-Time and doing my own translation of Fourze here is kind of just a pet project because I love the show so much and didn’t want to have to share it. As such, I worked on the Over-Time version of the script anyway to help on the other sections, and make whatever fixes and contributions I could. As such, the Aesir script is like 90% the same as the Over-Time script anyway, with the Fourze stylistics changed to match our own, and apart from that just a few tweaks to lines where I had flashes of inspiration later.

So, this release has four scripts you can shuffle through and select. They are:

Track 1: Over-Time’s script with song translations in
Track 2: Over-Time’s script without the song translations for less distraction
Track 3: The ‘clean’ Aesir script, without effects
Track 4: The ‘typesetting apocalypse’ Aesir script with attack/transformation effects that I put far too much time into for stuff I’m never going to use again V:

Apologies for the delay on a formal release for this, but while O-T has the manpower and distro power to just fling out 500 versions of a movie, I am much more reliant on the generosity of others and really wanted to put as little burden on people – and O-T – as possible.

I hope you enjoy the movie whatever version or script you watch or have watched!

So, about Megamax: Part the Second

Right, so. Disclaimer. 80-90% of this is probably the same as the Over-Time script. I came to the realization that, having already worked on it a lot over on the Over-Time side of things, and having watched it a lot of times, trying to actively wrack my brain to come up with alternatives to translations I was already really familiar with wasn’t going to be a very sensible approach. As such, I’ve gone through and adjusted the stylistics of the script to match the Aesir ones, and made a few tweaks to the odd line where I had inspiration, but the Fourze segment isn’t a complete retranslation like I was initially figuring I might do before I realized it was a stupid idea.

Disclaimer 2: I’m totally fed up of watching this movie at this point (especially the Fourze segment which I loathe more and more with each viewing) so I haven’t gone through and checked it to make sure I haven’t done anything stupid. If anyone kindly would like to essentially act as my QC and point out any derps, that’d be pretty sweet.

With that said, have a clean script.

As for the typeset one? Let’s do some technical explanations. The current raw we have for Megamax is anamorphic. What this means is that the video you see is not actually the same resolution as how the video is encoded – it stretches to the right size when you play it back (in this case, the video is 704 by 480, and ‘stretches’ to about 853 by 480.) This is because DVDs are encoded this way, and hence doing your encodes that way and telling the player to stretch it (as an actual DVD would) results in a more accurate playback than stretching it out oneself. However, the Blu-Ray we’re going to end up using has no need of these cheap space-saving techniques, and hence will not be anamorphic.

While converting a script for use in one format to the other is generally not much of a problem, when it involves the kind of fancy position-based typesetting we tend to use, with all its bells and whistles, one has to manually convert every instance of positioning and font widths and graphic widths and what have you to the correct size. As such, while I can get started on typesetting it now, the script I end up with will not actually be compatible with the current raw.

As such, with the kind permission of my colleagues at Over-Time, I’ll just be appending my eventual scripts as secondary subtitle tracks on their release. That way, there’s just one gigantic file going around with all the different scripts attached, as opposed to us both having to distro bloody great files around.

Hopefully that’ll be acceptable to people!

Anyway, enjoy.

Kamen Rider OOO – Batches

SD: Torrent
HD: Torrent

Almost all of our old torrents are at 0 seeds right now and I’m sure this has some effect on potential viewers. If you’re the type of person who’s constantly got a torrent client running, we would really appreciate your help seeding this.

Also, I’ve been uploading our typeset scripts for some people who requested them. Now that we’re semi-absorbed by Over-Time, they’ve offered us a more permanent place to host those scripts. You can find all of our OOO and Heartcatch scripts here: Aesir’s Script Folder.