Kamen Rider Gaim – 08

I seriously suggest clicking through to the full size of this, because it's amazing.

I seriously suggest clicking through to the full size of this, because it’s amazing.

HD Torrent | SD Torrent | Script |

The magical world of disappearing zippers and watching where you bike on Episode 8.

About Baron’s belt call: In episode 7 we subbed it as “Knight of Hammer” in the preview, because that’s what the captions said and it, well, made sense. Turns out though that it’s Fight of Hammer, so we’ve adjusted accordingly. As we of course would, but I figured we should mention that we’ve done it and that Fight is correct in case people think the world, or we, have gone mad.

Enjoy the episode!

35 thoughts on “Kamen Rider Gaim – 08

  1. I’ve wondered this for a few weeks now, but why don’t you just typeset the stuff like the release pic in?

    • If I had to guess, it’s probably just a lot of text to put on screen for such a brief time, or maybe because it’s so many layers of text.

      • Well not necessarily all of it, but maybe some stuff like the comment/tweets and the weekly ranking comments.

  2. Wow, that’s a lot of references that no one would’ve seen if you hadn’t taken a screenshot of them. It seems Toei’s putting quite a bit of effort in the small details.

    And so are you! Thanks for noticing and translating all of that. I haven’t downloaded the episode yet, but it’s great to see that kind of effort put into this show. I might not be absolutely okay with everything you’ve done, but you’re still doing great here!

    Also I think I’m missing some references here…WIZ-Dragon, 4th Rocket, Tatoba and W.access are obvious references to Wizard, Fourze, OOO and Double, Centerbelt #1 & #2, I’m guessing, is a reference to the original Double Riders, and the KR in KR-M is definitely just Kamen Rider, though the M eludes me. Kamen Rider Men, as opposite to Kamen Rider Girls? And I have no idea about the rest.

    (also also, is the Twoots thing a direct translation? Because that’s hilarious.)

  3. Takaiwa bum! Absolutely fantastic

    Thanks for your usual, most excellent efforts, y’all.

  4. “New special express line”? Is that a reference to the upcoming Trainranger I see?

    Great work as always. I honestly cracked up at the pinescrapple line!

  5. Kouta becoming more and more like Shinji. Maybe he will surpass him in terms of sillyness.

  6. Be good Micchy!! Oh.. what the hell.. cross over to the dark side you hide inside of you!

  7. And with this episode, I am caught up with watching a current Kamen Rider for the first time!

    Thank you everyone at Aesir, both for the subbing and excellent localizing work. This series is absolutely brimming with personality, and it really comes across in the subs. If Gaim is an example of the quality expected from this group, I would gladly become a seeder of your other work (starting with Fourze… gotta give that series a second look, seeing as across the three modern Kamen Riders, Gentarou is by far my favorite protagonist).

    From a new fan, keep up the great work!

  8. I must say, Micchy seems like he’s turning to the dark side. I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! He robs his brother, and instead of getting in trouble, gets a super powerful Lock Seed, and a bike out of it. I think I just found my new favorite rider!

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